Local Non-Profit Organizations Who Support Children, Parents and Families Are Encouraged to Apply
The Bobby Labonte Foundation, founded by NASCAR champion race car driver and High Point businessman Bobby Labonte, announced today that non-profit organizations will again have the opportunity to apply for funding through his foundation. This process includes an application and selection procedure for non-profits seeking grant funding to support their efforts to empower parents and families, and to build strong foundations for children’s future success. Non-profit organizations located in Davidson, Randolph, Guilford and Forsyth Counties are encouraged to apply by Friday, April 13, 2018.
Applicants must submit proof of 501(c)(3) status when applying, and grant recipients will be announced by May 31, 2018.
Organizations can receive an application and review all application procedures and deadlines through e-mail and online.
Call 336-448-3594 or email bobbylabontefoundation@gmail.com to request an application via e-mail.
The application is also available online at www.bobbylabontefoundation.org.
Since moving to High Point, N.C. last year, and after awarding four grants from his foundation last fall,
Bobby Labonte is excited to announce this opportunity. “We really want to continue to reach out to the Triad community and give non-profit organizations that support families an opportunity to apply for a grant,” said Bobby Labonte. “Last year was the first time that we awarded grants through this process, and I think it was as rewarding for us as it was for the organizations that received them. As residents of High Point, we want to continue to focus our efforts on helping the surrounding communities. We encourage organizations to apply, and I’m looking forward to aiding the local area through our Foundation. We are thankful for the help the High Point Community Foundation provided in creating our grant process. They showed us the ropes of how to create a process like this and it is really inspiring to see the response from the community.”
All rewarded applicants are required to support the foundation’s cycling event on September 8th benefiting the Bobby Labonte Foundation by providing volunteers on Saturday, September 8. Now in High Point, the event’s organizers anticipate 400-1000 cyclists will participate in 2018.
The Bobby Labonte Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded by NASCAR champion and businessman Bobby Labonte in 2003. The Bobby Labonte Foundation vision is a cohesive community in which parents and families are empowered to fulfill children’s needs and together find joy, love and happiness. The Bobby Labonte Foundation works in partnership with the local community and community organizations to empower parents, families and children to build a strong foundation for children’s futures. For more information, visit www.bobbylabontefoundation.org or follow the Bobby Labonte Foundation on Facebook.
Foundation Contact Information:
Stephanie Crafford
Director, Bobby Labonte Foundation
Phone: 336-448-3594
Email: scrafford@bleinc.net
Media Contact Information:
Josh Neelon
Breaking Limits for the Bobby Labonte Foundation
265 Eastchester Drive, Suite 133-367
High Point, N.C. 27262
Mobile: 336-442-5695
E-mail: jneelon@breakinglimits.net